BEE Champions Course
Transcend’s leading BEE training course is the best choice for you if you want to get transformation right.
Why this course is right for you.
This practical and interactive accredited course will equip you with deeper insight into the Revised Codes of Good Practice (RCoGP) as set out by the DTI in October 2013, enabling you to be more strategic about getting transformation right in your business, optimise BEE spend, improve your BEE scorecard level, and thereby enhance your attractiveness to clients.
Who should attend?
- MDs, CEOs, CFOs & EXCO
- Human Resource Professionals
- Preferential Procurement Professionals
You want to know what qualifies and what doesn’t on your BEE Scorecard and what documentation is needed in order to be prepared for verification.
You want to improve your organisation’s BEE scorecard level with the knowledge and skills to do so in a way that is sustainable and is aligned with your business growth strategy.
Summarised Course Outline
Full day course
This interactive course is structured to allow for adequate time to properly cover the rich course material and encourage class engagement in applying the learnings in a context-relevant way that brings the true value of the course to life for each delegate.
Session 1
The first session of the course will provide you
with a practical foundation of transformation in
South Africa with an introduction to BEE upon
which lectures will apply legislative and best
practice principles. This will include a context for
BEE and socio- economic development.
Session 2
VALUE CHAIN (2.5 hours)
This session looks at each company’s relationship
with small businesses and suppliers. This will be examined through the pillar enterprise & supplier development.
Session 3
This session includes the pillars of skills
development, management control and Y.E.S.
This forms part of the Human Capital continuum.
Lastly, this session will include ownership.
A Guide To BEE Audit Preparation
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Work Place Skills Plans (WSP/ATR) submissions
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10 Steps to Preparing, Implementing, Monitoring and Reporting Your EE Plan
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September 4, 2018