The Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) course is mutually beneficial to both your organisation and your suppliers. It aims to lower procurement costs, increase the quality of a product, improve service delivery and positively impact the scorecard.
You are in good company




About BEE Training
Our courses provide you with step-by-step approach to fully understand and implement BEE
Are you well equipped to implement Broad-Based Economic Empowerment (BEE) in your organisation based on the Revised Codes of Good Practice (RCoGP)?
Economic and social transformation in South Africa is an evolving and fluid issue, with the rules being written by, and through our actions. These actions, good and bad, have over the past seven years reflected in the changes made within the Revised Codes of Good Practice (RCoGP) and are indicative of the Department of Trade and Industry’s (dti) views on the progress made to date.
BEE Champions Course
Transcend’s premier BEE training programme is the best choice for you if you want to get transformation right. This practical and interactive course will equip you with deeper insight into the revised codes of good practice (RCoGP).
Valuing Diversity Course
Get the skills and knowledge you need to manage the complexities around diversity, discrimination and prejudice. This workshop covers self-awareness and managing dynamics in your private and professional life.
Contact us for more information
Enterprise and Supplier Development Course
Finance For BEE Champions Course
A BEE or Transformation Manager’s role is extremely diverse. One of the competencies required is financial literacy. It is vital for the team driving BEE to understand not only the financial implications of being BEE compliant, but also how BEE should contribute to the financial growth of the entity.
Contact us for more information
Transformation Immersion
The true way to implement change within your organisation is to understand the South African landscape. This primary goal of this course is to reduce social distance between employees of diverse backgrounds through a shared experience and a ‘common transformation vocabulary’.
BEE Webinars
We are excited to bring you Transcend Webinars. Register for our webinars to stay updated with the latest transformation news and information. Click the link below to view a previous webinar: Coronavirus Impact on Your BEE Transaction.
In-House BEE Training
All of Transcend’s public training can be customised and presented in-house. Should you have a requirement to empower and equip your transformation team we can be of assistance.

Learn how to truly transform
Learn how to truly transform a company’s procurement chain and develop robust Black-owned suppliers.
Achieve company transformational targets
Achieve company transformational targets and improve business performance.
Build best practice approach
Build best practice approach to navigate the intricacies of supplier management.
A Guide To BEE Audit Preparation
BEE Consulting, BEE Audit
May 2, 2022
Work Place Skills Plans (WSP/ATR) submissions
BEE Consulting, ATR, WSP
April 12, 2022
10 Steps to Preparing, Implementing, Monitoring and Reporting Your EE Plan
BEE Consulting
September 4, 2018